From AP and staff reports
MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Republican incumbent Steve Marshall has won a full term as Alabama’s attorney general, defeating Democrat Joseph Siegelman.
With all but three precincts reporting, Marshall bested Siegelman 59 to 41 percent.
Marshall is a former county prosecutor who was appointed as the state’s top law enforcement official after Luther Strange was appointed to the U.S. Senate. He endured personal tragedy earlier this year when his wife Bridgette took her own life in June just weeks before the Republican runoff.
”I’m proud of the campaign we’ve run and am truly honored to have the privilege to continue serving the people of Alabama as Attorney General,” Marshall said.
“In the midst of personal tragedy, fighting for this job wasn’t always easy, but I believe that it will be worth it. I look forward to returning to the office tomorrow— to begin a new offensive in our battles against violent crime, opioid addiction, and corruption. Our work has only just begun.”
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Siegelman is a Birmingham attorney who was making his first bid for public office. He’s the 30-year-old son of former Democratic Gov. Don Siegelman, who’s out of federal prison after serving time for his conviction in a bribery conspiracy.
The 53-year-old Marshall has been attorney general since February 2017. That’s when then-Gov. Robert Bentley appointed him after naming Strange to the Senate seat previously held by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.