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Ainsworth defeats Boyd to win Lt. Governor

From AP and staff reports

Republican state Rep. Will Ainsworth has defeated Democrat Will Boyd in the race to fill the vacant office of Alabama lieutenant governor.

Ainsworth was first elected to the Alabama House four years ago. The North Alabama resident billed himself as a Christian conservative who will set a higher ethical standard at a Statehouse tainted by repeated scandals.

“Kendall and I are incredibly grateful for your support, well wishes and prayers over the lifetime of this campaign,” Ainsworth said.

“I’m excited and eager to get to work serving you. Because of you, together, we’re starting A New Day for Alabama!”

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Will Boyd is a minister from Florence. He has made several unsuccessful bids for public office, including last year when he sought the Democratic nomination for the seat now held by Democratic Sen. Doug Jones.

The lieutenant governor’s main job is to preside in the Alabama Senate. The office has been vacant since then-incumbent Kay Ivey became governor in April 2017 following Robert Bentley’s resignation.

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