Dothan businessman Jeff Coleman released this week his fifth television ad in his bid for Congress in Alabama’s 2nd District.
This spot features Coleman’s wife, Tiffany, who says her husband had previously been approached to run for public office, but she’d opposed the idea. Now if different, she tells the camera.
“After…a lot of talk with our family and prayer, it just seems like that’s where God’s calling us,” she says. “It’s exciting…but it’s also terrifying. But I’m for it!”
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The spot will be played in the Dothan and Montgomery markets and has 700 gross rating points behind it, Coleman’s campaign said this week.
While Coleman has led the field in fundraising and advertising, this week GOP rivals Jessica Taylor, a Prattville businesswoman, and Troy King, the former state attorney general, are joining him on the airwaves with their own ads.
Former State Representative Barry Moore and Montgomery electrician Bob Rogers are also running for the GOP nomination in AL-2.