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King features mom in first AL-2 TV spot

By Mary Sell, Alabama Daily News

Former Alabama Attorney General and current GOP congressional candidate Troy King has his first television of the campaign airing today. 

The spot features King and his mother talking about people who don’t like him, including “liberals who want to take our guns” and “abortion people” because he stood up for unborn babies. 

In the ad, King says liberals in Alabama have never liked him.

“It’s OK, honey, the liberals in Washington aren’t going to like you either,” his mother, Natalie, said.

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King’s campaign said it’s spending $31,000 on the spot that will have about 700 gross ratings points behind it this week.

King is the third candidate to hit TV in the Alabama 2nd District contest. Dothan businessman Jeff Coleman has been advertising since November and Prattville businesswoman Jessica Taylor released an ad this week.

Former State Representative Barry Moore and Montgomery electrician Bob Rogers are also running for the GOP nomination in AL-2.

The primary is March 3. 

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