The Legislature returns today for the 10th legislative day of the 30-day session.
For those lucky enough not to be State House nerds, the Alabama Constitution gives the Legislature 105 calendar days to complete 30 legislative days. For the last few weeks, the House and Senate have convened for three days each trying to make up for time lost when the special session put the regular session on pause in January. Looks like they’ll make it up this week.
Today the House convenes at 1:00 p.m. and will take up its second special order calendar of the session. That agenda includes the Roberts/Carns untaxing working families tax credits bill, the county broadband constitutional amendment, Rep. Terri Collins’ workforce development information bill, legislation providing flexibility for local wastewater project loans and a bill authorizing the Alabama Port Authority’s intermodal project in Montgomery. A full special order calendar is below.
The Senate will convene at 2:00 p.m. and take up an agenda that includes bills proposed by the Military Stabilization Commission intended to make Alabama a more military friendly state.
Listen to Senate President Pro Tem Greg Reed and House Speaker Mac McCutcheon preview this week’s legislative action on Capitol Journal below.
Special Order 10th LD 2-15-2022.Docx by Todd Stacy on Scribd