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Whatley Releases New Campaign Ad for State Senate Race

By CAROLINE BECK, Alabama Daily News

Alabama State Senator Tom Whatley has released one of the first TV campaign ads of the general campaign season in his bid for reelection to his District 27 seat.

The spot features issues like improving Alabama’s education system and cutting taxes, while also highlighting Whatley’s record in the military.

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State Senate district 27 encompasses parts of Lee County and Russell County as well as the majority of Tallapoosa County.  Auburn is the largest city held within the district and both of the candidates up for the seat also went to Auburn.

Nancy Carlton Bendinger is the Democratic candidate running against Whatley. She is a small business owner and a full-time realtor and is running on issues like education, creating a better workforce to better Alabama’s economy, and improving the state’s health care.

Whatley is running on similar campaign promises in his new campaign ad which he says will be broadcasted on all the major cable providers in the coming weeks.

“It’s an ad that hits on the issues that are very important to our district. Which is education, quality pre-k program, infrastructure development, and job creation,” Whatley said.

The ad also emphasizes Whatley’s history in the military which encompasses 30 years of military service including two deployments overseas.

This TV ad is one of the first to arise this political season leading up to the general election in November and Whatley said that was on purpose to get ahead of the pitch and to show how organized and professional a campaign he runs.

“We wanted to get the ad out there. I’m proud of some of the things we’ve been able to accomplish in the last four years and we wanted to go ahead and get the ad out there and in front of people so we could tell our story.”

Along with the broadcasted campaign ads, Whatley told Alabama Daily News that he plans on sending out mailers in the coming weeks and his campaign is undergoing their extensive and aggressive canvassing, going door to door across the district.

Whatley said that their campaign has already visited 1,300 doors as of Tuesday and that for every election season he has a goal of visiting between 25,000 to 30,000 doors.

Whatley told ADN that he wants his campaign to show all of the work he has done in the Senate for the last eight years from when he beat the longtime incumbent for District 27, Democrat Ted Little in 2010.

“ You can look at the number of jobs we’ve created since 2010. You can look at the budgets for education, which is the number one industry in my district with the number one employer being Auburn University… We have a record of taking teacher’s supply money from $0 in 2010 to $450 per teacher last year. We’ve had the very successful pre-k program and by some estimates, we’ve been able to put from anywhere between $13 to $20 million additional dollars from what was already in the budget since 2012.”

This TV ad is only the beginning of what is sure to be more ad campaigns for Alabama politics. Keep coming back to Alabama Daily News to get the latest rundowns of the different legislative races this year.

Caroline Beck is a reporter living in Montgomery. Follow her on Twitter @CarolineBeckADN or email her at [email protected]

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