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Troopers to have elevated presence during holiday travel

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — State troopers will have an elevated presence on Alabama roadways during the holiday travel period.

The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency says all available state troopers will be assigned to patrol Alabama roadways. The holiday travel period lasts from 12:01 a.m. Dec. 20 to midnight Jan. 1.

“Our goal is simply to save lives,” Alabama Law Enforcement Secretary Hal Taylor said.

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The state law enforcement agency is urging people to obey speed limits, insist that everyone in the vehicle buckle up, do not drive while under the influence or while distracted and don’t follow other vehicles too closely.

“These driving behaviors are among the most deadly,” he said. “Let’s all do our part during the holiday season, as well as the rest of the year, to #ArriveAliveAlabama.”

For the safety of motorists and work crews, the Alabama Department of Transportation plans to temporarily suspend interstate lane closures during Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.


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