MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — The overwhelming number of virus hospitalizations and deaths are occurring in unvaccinated people, according to state numbers released Friday.
Alabama has seen 1,230 virus deaths since April — when the vaccine was widely available— and 108, or about 9%, of those were in people who are fully vaccinated, state officials said.
“In almost all cases, those were people who were elderly or had serious chronic health problems,” State Health Officer Scott Harris said.
State officials provided the numbers as they try to stress that the vaccine dramatically lowers the risk of serious illness caused by the virus.
The Alabama Hospital Association reported Friday that 85% of the nearly 2,879 people hospitalized for COVID-19 are unvaccinated. The organization said 3% are partly vaccinated and 12% are vaccinated.
Harris said current numbers show about 2% of vaccinated people have developed a breakthrough infection, “which is not that much.”