By STEVEN WINE, AP Sports Writer
MIAMI (AP) — Now Tua Tagovailoa can pay for that Cadillac Escalade he gave his mom.
The new Miami Dolphins quarterback signed a $30.275 million, four-year guaranteed contract, a person familiar with the negotiations told The Associated Press on Monday.
The contract includes a $19.6 million signing bonus, according to the person who spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity because the Dolphins hadn’t announced the deal.
Tagovailoa posted a video on Mother’s Day that showed him surprising his mother, Diane, with a black SUV.
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Last month the Dolphins selected Tagovailoa with the fifth overall pick in the draft. They are optimistic he’ll recover fully from a hip injury that ended his Alabama career in mid-November and hoping he’ll become a franchise quarterback.
Tagovailoa says doctors have indicated he’s on schedule for a return in 2020. His No. 1 jersey is among the best-selling in the NFL since it was assigned to him last week.