Each year, members of Congress take the month of August to spend time on the ground in their respective districts meeting with constituents and local leaders, visiting businesses and industries, and ultimately listening to the concerns of people at home. Having this opportunity to hear firsthand from the people in Alabama’s Second District is very important, and I believe it enables me to be a better representative of our priorities in Washington.
It has been a busy month, and I wanted to take this opportunity to share an update on my travels in our district during this district work period. So far, I have spent time in Montgomery, Ozark, Hartford, Geneva, Millbrook, Troy, Dothan, and Fort Rucker.
I met with Elmore County Commissioner Troy Stubbs in my Montgomery office to hear about some exciting projects happening in his community. I also had a productive meeting with David McCurdy, the Alabama Farm Service Agency Director.
While in Ozark, I visited the recently-opened Wayne Farms feed mill. I had the opportunity to visit with leadership and employees to learn more about their operation. Wayne Farms is the sixth largest vertically integrated poultry producer in the country, with over $1.9 billion in annual sales. I am grateful for the economic impact they provide in our district.
One afternoon, I visited Hartford where I enjoyed lunch downtown at Ketchum’s Restaurant. I also had the chance to drop by the Hartford Civic Club meeting with my friends State Representative Donnie Chesteen and Mayor Jeff Sorrells. Afterwards, I met with constituents at the Wiregrass Electric Cooperative to receive an update on their rural broadband project that they hope will deliver expanded highspeed broadband internet to rural communities in the Wiregrass.
In Geneva, I enjoyed touring the newly-completed Geneva Career Tech Center, also known as G-Tech. I was very impressed by the students I met at this outstanding new facility. As I told the group there, I will always support measures to strengthen and improve the career tech programs throughout our district, state, and nation.
I also had the opportunity to visit the Gift of Life Foundation’s office in Montgomery to meet with leadership and tour their facility. The Gift of Life’s work to strengthen and improve our local community is truly invaluable. I deeply appreciate the hardworking people, like those at Gift of Life, who strive to make a difference in the lives of others.
In Millbrook, I spoke to the Millbrook-Coosada Kiwanis Club during their weekly meeting. I was glad to have this opportunity to give an update on the work we’re doing in Congress to make life better for all Americans. Even more importantly, I had the chance to hear firsthand from my constituents about the issues they’re facing. Afterwards, I stopped by the MOOseum at the Alabama Cattlemen’s Association where I was given a tour and an update on the cattle industry in our state.
During another trip to the Wiregrass, I visited Troy Cable to learn more about their upcoming projects and some of the issues they’ve recently been facing in their work. In Dothan, I spoke to the Wiregrass Chapter of the Associated General Contractors at their luncheon. We had a great discussion about efforts in Congress to revitalize our nation’s badly aging infrastructure.
Last, but certainly not least, I stopped by Fort Rucker to tour the aeromedical research laboratory. I talked with many employees there about the importance of Army Aviation to our national security and the innovation happening on post here in the Second District.
It’s been an exciting and informative August district work period so far. I deeply appreciate everyone who has taken the time to meet with me and share their ideas and concerns. I am looking forward to continuing my travels throughout Alabama’s Second District this month, and you can rest assured I will take everything I learn on the road back to Washington to better serve you.
Martha Roby represents Alabama’s Second Congressional District. She lives in Montgomery, Alabama, with her husband Riley and their two children.