By WILL WHATLEY, Alabama Daily News
Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue and Alabama Agriculture Commissioner John McMillan today will join U.S. Rep. Martha Roby to tour farm damage from Hurricane Michael in Alabama’s Wiregrass.
In a speech given Thursday on the floor of the House of Representatives, Roby spoke on the plight facing many Alabama farmers in her district following the events of Hurricane Michael earlier this year.
“Just over a month ago, Hurricane Michael, the third most powerful hurricane to ever make landfall on the United States mainland, ravaged areas of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia… Alabama’s Second District was badly impacted in several counties in the Wiregrass region,” Roby said.
Sen. Richard Shelby used his audience with President Donald Trump to press for assistance for the Wiregrass. During a meeting about Senate priorities with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Majoirty Whip John Thune, Shelby brought up the need for disaster relief for farmers in Alabama. The president agreed to help, Shelby said.
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Roby, Perdue and McMillan will visit the McAllister farm in Gordon, Alabama, a town that took particularly strong winds. Cotton, timber, livestock and produce in Southeast Alabama were all impacted by the storm with direct losses estimated at more than $204 million.
“Throughout my time in Congress, I have made it a priority to fight for our farmers of all commodities,” Roby said. “I will continue to advocate for them, especially during this time of uncertainty. I want the people I represent to know that my offices stand ready to help during this challenging time… We must get this right, and we must ensure Alabama’s farmers are included in all recovery efforts.”