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Pence tweets support for Roby

By WILL WHATLEY, Alabama Daily News

Weeks after securing the backing of President Donald Trump, U.S. Rep. Martha Roby has earned another endorsement from the executive branch.

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Vice President Mike Pence on Friday tweeted his support for Roby, the Republican incumbent in Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District, in her runoff election against former Congressman Bobby Bright. The two are vying for the Republican nomination with the winner facing Democrat Tabitha Isner in November.

“.@realDonaldTrump & I support Martha Roby – a strong supporter of tax cuts & President Trump’s pro growth, America First agenda!” Pence tweeted from his personal twitter account. “Get out on Tuesday and support @TeamRoby.”

The endorsements are notable considering Roby withdrew her support of Trump in the 2016 after his remarks captured on the infamous Access Hollywood tape became public. After the election, Roby congratulated Trump, said she was glad he won, and has been a team player with the White House ever since.

The backing from Trump and Pence is a significant factor in the race as the president enjoys widespread support among Republicans in Alabama’s 2nd District.

Pence served in Congress with both Roby and Bright.

The runoff election is Tuesday, July 17.

BREAKING: Trump Endorses Roby

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