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Maddox launches video on debate challenge

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — Democratic gubernatorial challenger Walt Maddox has launched a series of videos about Republican Gov. Kay Ivey’s refusal to debate.

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The campaign posted the first video on social media Thursday. It shows an empty debate podium with “Kay Ivey” written on it. A caption lists the “debate topic” as abortion, guns and the U.S. Supreme Court.

An announcer asks without getting a response: “Governor Ivey, governor?”

Ivey’s campaign didn’t have any immediate response to an email message seeking comment on the spot.

Ivey has refused to debate both her GOP primary challengers and Maddox. She says Maddox should debate himself because of his inconsistent positions on issues.

Maddox answers that claim in the video, saying he’s been consistent with his stances.

New Kay Ivey Ad Highlights Education Initiatives

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