By TODD STACY, Alabama Daily News
MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The little girl who gained Alabama internet fame by dressing as Gov. Kay Ivey for Halloween got to meet the real governor on Friday.
Cate McGriff, a 9-year-old from Rainbow City, wore her “spot on” costume to the Capitol and visited with Ivey, who was also dressed in the classic red pantsuit, Auburn mask and flat shoes. Ivey gifted McGriff an official lapel pin and even a stuffed dog that looks like her own “Missy.”
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The governor’s office reached out to McGriff’s parents this week after a photo of the costume went viral.
According to the governor’s office, Ivey told McGriff the story of how as a student, she once visited the office of then-Gov. Lurleen Wallace, the state’s first woman governor, and took a picture behind her desk. That story was featured in a campaign ad during Ivey’s 2018 race.
Following in her footsteps, McGriff did the same on Friday.
When asked what she would do if she were the real governor, Cate said she would open up a new Chick-fil-a in Southside.
More photos of Cate McGriff’s visit to the Capitol courtesy of the Governor’s Office