By CAROLINE BECK, Alabama Daily News
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Gov. Kay Ivey on Tuesday received the endorsement of the National Federation of Independent Businesses, which she used to highlight her support for small business and the state’s economic progress.
NFIB Alabama Director Rosemary Elebash said that Ivey had received a record-setting 98 percent of support from NFIB members who voted on who they wanted to endorse in the race for governor. Elebash said that has never happened since her time being there.
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The announcement was hosted by Southern Distributor/Auto Electric and Carburetor Co. in Birmingham, which distributes wholesale auto parts across the state.
CEO Steve Kampwerth said Ivey had been instrumental in eliminating cumbersome licensing regulations to help his business grow and thrive. He introduced Elebash, who said the same is true for other businesses throughout the state.
“Kay Ivey is a strong leader who understands the challenges facing Alabama’s job creators,” Elebash said. “She opposes higher taxes and burdensome rules and regulations that would make it harder for small businesses to succeed and create jobs. This spring, she signed legislation prohibiting cities from requiring companies to purchase a municipal business license before driving through their jurisdictions for work purposes.
Elebash said NFIB has passed more than 80 small business bills since Ivey took the Governor’s office.
“Since taking office a little over a year ago, Governor Ivey has announced more than 15,500 new jobs and more than $8 billion in capital investment, creating exciting new opportunities for all kinds of small businesses,” Elebash said. “Under her leadership, our pro-business climate has received national recognition from the likes of the influential Business Facilities magazine, and Alabama’s employment rate is the highest it’s ever been.”
The Business Facilities magazine reported in July this year that Alabama was ranked number one in best business climate.
Ivey expressed her gratitude for the endorsement and said how proud she was to receive such an overwhelming support from the NFIB and small business community in Alabama.
Ivey noted her dedication in helping grow Alabama’s economy and increase job growth by partnering so closely with NFIB and the legislation that she has helped pass so far.
“As Governor, I have made it my job to create a strong environment for job creation. That’s why I’ve worked closely with the NFIB and the state Legislature, signing the largest tax cut in a decade and eliminating unnecessary regulations that make it more difficult and more expensive to do business. Being endorsed for Governor by Alabama’s small businesses is truly an honor. I am grateful for their trust, support and everything they do to keep Alabama working.”
Elebash also made sure to emphasize how having the endorsement from the NFIB is a big boost for Ivey’s campaign because it means a considerable amount of grassroots support from all of the small businesses within the federation who can get their family and friends to turn out the vote on election day.
Iveys faces Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox in the Nov. 6 election for governor. Maddox has been endorsed by the Alabama chapter of the ALF-CIO, a prominent labor group.
Caroline Beck is a reporter living in Montgomery. Follow her on Twitter @CarolineBeckADN or email her at [email protected].
The Associated Press contributed to this report.