By TODD STACY, Alabama Daily News
Congressman Bradley Byrne this morning used an appearance on “Fox & Friends” to call for the investigation of Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, and his business dealings during his father’s time in office.
Byrne said he is introducing a resolution calling for the House Committees on Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Government Reform, and Financial Services to begin investigations of business dealings of Hunter Biden during the time his father was vice president. Byrne says he wants Congress to investigate whether those business dealings resulted in improper conflicts of interests, and whether Hunter Biden’s work affected United States foreign policy or a foreign government or foreign entity’s response.
The resolution is not likely to see the light of day in the Democrat-led House of Representatives, but it’s a messaging move for Byrne, who is running for U.S. Senate, and possibly House Republicans, who need some counter measures for the ongoing impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump.
Full video HERE:
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Asked by host Brian Kilmeade if the resolution would go anywhere in a Democrat-led House, Byrne said Democratic leaders would be “hypocritical” if they did not allow the committees to investigate the Bidens.
“As I said, if this were Donald Trump, Jr.’s name in here, we’d have already been in this investigation. There are real, serious concerns here and the American people deserve to know the facts,” Byrne said.
“I don’t want foreign governments to investigate Hunter Biden, I want the United States Congress to investigate him,” Byrne added.
Fox News hits are a big deal for Republican politicians and pretty hard to come by. For one, a lot of GOP primary voters watch Fox News all day long. But probably most importantly, Trump himself is known to watch a lot of Fox News – in particular Fox & Friends – so if Byrne can get some kind of Twitter shout out here it would be big for him.
No tweets from the president as of this writing.