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Auburn’s Cam Newton statue found with Alabama flags, underwear

AUBURN, Ala. (AP) — A statue of Carolina Panthers quarterback Cam Newton outside his alma mater’s football stadium has been found with University of Alabama flags and a men’s athletic supporter on it.

A photo tweeted Tuesday morning shows the crimson and white flags and underwear on the former Auburn University Heisman Trophy winner quarterback’s statue outside Jordan-Hare Stadium. It was tweeted by campus radio announcer Jared Dillard, and the student newspaper, The Auburn Plainsman, reports police are investigating.

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247Sports reports it’s not the first time Newton’s likeness has been used in the Tigers-Crimson Tide rivalry, as his jersey was found taped to the statue of five-time modern-era national champion coach Paul “Bear” Bryant outside Alabama’s Bryant-Denny Stadium before the 2010 annual Iron Bowl between the two teams.

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