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Ann Trucks Crowned Ms. Alabama Nursing Home 2019

By Caroline Beck, Alabama Daily News

Ms. Ann Trucks was crowned the winner of this year’s Ms. Alabama Nursing Home. She was crowned by Miss Alabama 2019, Tiara Pennignton, who also co-hosted the event at the Wynfrey Hotel in Hoover on Monday.

Trucks won out of a group of ten finalists that were evaluated on their outlook on life, personality, poise and involvement in their individual nursing homes.

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Trucks is a resident of Woodland Village Rehab & Healthcare Center in Cullman, Alabama. She is 76 years old and serves as a resident activity volunteer which involves setting up activities and assisting other residents in participating.

“It’s important to let people know that nursing homes are a second home,” Trucks said after being crowned. “If you go into it smiling, you’re going to get so much out of it. I am so thankful God placed me where he did.”

She was married for 56 years and has three children, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

As part of her duties as Ms. Alabama Nursing Home, Trucks will travel to various nursing homes and community events to share her experiences.

Trucks now will serve as a spokesperson for nursing home residents and the Alabama Nursing Home Association.

The runners-up are:

1st Runner-up: Ms. Arlington Rehab & HealthCare Center, Eva McVay, Birmingham, Age 62

2nd Runner-up: Ms. Wiregrass Rehab Center & Nursing Home, Gwen Haney, Geneva, Age 80

3rd Runner up: Ms. The Oaks on Parkwood, Tracy Moore, Bessemer, Age 61

4th Runner up: Ms. Falkville Health Care Center, Carolyn Daniels, Falkville, Age 71

The top ten finalists, selected from the field of 50 contestants, had individual interviews with the panel of celebrity judges before competing on stage for the crown. All other contestants in attendance were part of the Honor Court and were individually recognized during the pageant.

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