MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) — The Alabama Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Tuesday morning in former House Speaker Mike Hubbard’s appeal of his conviction on ethics charges.
The prominent Republican was convicted in 2016 of improperly receiving consulting contracts and business investments from company executives.
Hubbard’s attorney will argue that Hubbard committed no crimes and that prosecutors are stretching the bounds of the ethics law in their bid to send him to prison.
The Alabama attorney general’s office will ask justices to uphold the conviction. They argue Hubbard monetized his public position for personal profit.
Hubbard was one of the state’s most influential Republicans, but his political career ended with the 2016 conviction. A judge sentenced Hubbard to four years in prison, but he is free on bond as he appeals.
Amended Oral Argument Docket for June 4, 2019