Sen. Richard Shelby confirmed via Twitter Monday night that President Donald Trump would support his call for convicted terrorist John Walker Lindh to serve out his full sentence.
Shelby had written Trump to express his dismay that Lindh is set to be released from prison on May 23.
Lindh is the U.S. citizen who joined the Taliban and fought against American forces in Afghanistan in 2002. He is thought to have played a significant role in the ambush attack that killed Alabama-native Michael Spann, the first American soldier killed in the War on Terror.
Spann’s family still resides in Winfield, Alabama and has been outspoken about Lindh being released.
Lindh in 2003 pleaded guilty to aiding the enemy and was sentenced to 20 years in prison as part of a negotiated plea deal.
Shelby said he had spoken with Trump and that the president would support requiring Lindh to serve out his full sentence, which is up in 2023.
“This evening, I spoke with @realDonaldTrump regarding my letter,” Shelby tweeted. “He stated that he supports my call for Lindh to serve his full sentence. Lindh’s activities are deserving of a strong and strict punishment. Thank you, Mr. President.”
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