By TODD STACY, Alabama Daily News
MONTGOMERY, Ala. – The Jeff Sessions campaign is attacking opponent Tommy Tuberville in a new ad released Thursday.
The ad, which is running on digital platforms and will soon be on television, goes after Tuberville’s residency. It uses a snippet of a speech Tuberville gave along the campaign trail in which he says he’s “not an every day resident” of Alabama.
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Tuberville’s opponents have repeatedly made his residency an issue in the campaign for the GOP Senate nomination. After retiring from coaching, Tuberville located in the Florida panhandle, but has owned a house in Auburn since 2017. Throughout the campaign, Tuberville has fended off questions about his residency by showing that he has an Alabama driver license and is registered to vote here.
The Sessions campaign did not say how much it is spending in the ad buy.
The runoff election is scheduled for July 14.