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New ALFA poll shows tight race between Sessions and Tuberville

By TODD STACY, Alabama Daily News

MONTGOMERY, Ala. – A new survey conducted by the Alabama Farmers Federation shows a tighter race between former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville in the race for U.S. Senate.

The poll, which surveyed 607 likely Republican voters via live calls, showed Sessions leading the field with 35% of respondents saying they would vote for him if the election was held today. Close behind was Tuberville with 31% and Congressman Bradley Byrne was third with 12%.

With the survey’s margin of error at +/-3.97%, that would put Sessions and Tuberville in a statistical dead heat for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate.

Jeff Sessions35
Tommy Tuberville31
Bradley Byrne12
Roy Moore8
Arnold Mooney1
Stanley Adair1

Earlier this year, the Federation endorsed Tuberville and has been supporting his candidacy in the race. External Affairs Director Matthew Durdin said the poll shows Tuberville maintains momentum despite Sessions’ late bid to reclaim his Senate seat.

“Coach Tuberville’s position as a political outsider who’s committed to fighting the entrenched Washington establishment while supporting Christian values, veterans, farmers and working families resonates with voters,” Durdin said. “He seeks to continue President Trump’s policies which have resulted in record low unemployment and economic growth.”
On the question of favorability among voters, Sessions maintained a strong lead among the candidates, but not quite as strong as his previous internal poll suggested. According to the ALFA poll, 63% of voters view Sessions favorably while 21 percent view him unfavorably. For Tuberville, 57% of voters viewed him favorably compared to 14% unfavorably, according to the poll.
CandidateFavorableUnfavorableNever heard of
Jeff Sessions63212
Tommy Tuberville571410
Bradley Byrne30742
Roy Moore3048.5
Seth Morrow, campaign manager for Byrne, responded on social media by saying paid advertising had hardly begun and that the race was far from over.
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