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Ivanka Trump visits Alabama robotics park Tuesday

Daughter and adviser to the president Ivanka Trump will visit Alabama on Tuesday for a special workforce development announcement.

The White House announced Trump will visit the Alabama Robotics Park in Decatur where the state’s community college system has partnered with outside industry to build a state-of-the-art training facility for workers in the robotics industry. Robotics are widely used in the automotive industry, and the park was cited as instrumental in recruiting the Mazda-Toyota auto manufacturing facility now under construction in nearby Huntsville.

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During the visit, Ivanka Trump will announce new program opportunities related to workforce development and apprenticeship. Earlier this year, the Trump Administration announced a new Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship program through the Department of Labor that aims to help students and workers gain skills directly applicable to careers in the trades.

“The Administration is committed to ensuring inclusive growth and opportunity in our booming economy by creating pathways for all Americans, regardless of age or background, to acquire the skills needed to secure and retain high paying jobs,”Ivanka Trump said in a statement to Alabama Daily News.

Also attending the event will be National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons, Manufacturing Institute Executive Director Carolyn Lee, Toyota North America Executive Vice President Chris Nielsen and Ingersoll Rand Chairman and CEO Michael Lamach.

In June, Ivanka Trump and Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta co-wrote an op-ed announcing the new apprenticeship program.

“Our nation needs to empower more industries and professions to embrace apprenticeship opportunities. That is why the Trump administration is proposing a second apprenticeship model: the Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship. The Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship program would stand alongside the Labor Department’s existing Registered Apprenticeships, which have found success in the building trades. This program would enable industries to come together through associations, consortia, nonprofits and other mechanisms to offer skills education to American students and workers,” the op-ed reads.

Trump and Acosta made a similar visit to a Kentucky manufacturing facility earlier this year.

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