August 24, 2018.
1. Trump-Sessions feud returns.
- This was predictable, I suppose.
- President Donald Trump is escalating his attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions over Sessions not taking control of the cases that are causing the president problems right how.
- He got pretty personal when he asked a Fox News host of Sessions, “what kind of man is this?”
- And this morning President Trump is keeping it up on Twitter.
- But Sessions is defending himself in a stronger manner than usual. Here’s what he said:
“I took control of the Department of Justice the day I was sworn in, which is why we have had unprecedented success at effectuating the President’s agenda—one that protects the safety and security and rights of the American people, reduces violent crime, enforces our immigration laws, promotes economic growth, and advances religious liberty.
“While I am Attorney General, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations. I demand the highest standards, and where they are not met, I take action. However, no nation has a more talented, more dedicated group of law enforcement investigators and prosecutors than the United States. I am proud to serve with them and proud of the work we have done in successfully advancing the rule of law.
- Full story HERE.
2. IRS puts the squeeze on states.
- Last night the Internal Revenue Service released a much-anticipated rule on the deductibility of state and local taxes.
- The new regulations would prevent states from getting around the $10,000 cap on the federal deduction for state and local taxes for individuals, estates, and trusts.
- Congress enacted that cap in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Many states, including Alabama, argued there were workarounds, but the IRS has said no.
- The new rule is bad news for the Alabama Opportunity Scholarship Fund, Scholarships for Kids and other Alabama Accountability Act education tax funds.
- Full story HERE.
- Full IRS rule HERE.
A Message from the Alliance for Alabama’s Infrastructure
- 940,353.
- That’s how many Alabama jobs are completely dependent on our state’s transportation network. From roads and rail to ports and pipelines – and everything in between.
- Yet, it is no secret that Alabama’s transportation infrastructure is in serious need of attention.
- The Alliance for Alabama’s Infrastructure started the #FixALRoads grassroots campaign to make sure our state leaders recognize that the near-failing grades for roads and bridges are unacceptable – and we need your help.
- Join the movement to improve Alabama’s infrastructure.
- Click HERE to learn more and get involved with the growing#FixALRoads effort.
3. “Build the wall, fight the Deep State”
- Congressman Bradley Byrne always has an ambitious Town Hall schedule, and this year was no different.
- I counted 12 town hall meetings throughout the August recess, going everywhere from Spanish Fort to Salipta.
- You get lots of interesting comments and questions in a public forum, and Mr. Byrne has spent a lot of time talking about all things Trump, from the “deep state” to the border wall.
- Lawrence Speckler followed him around some and put together a great story about town hall meetings in this weird political environment.
- Read his full story HERE.
4. Roby returns to HCRW.
- Speaking of tough crowds, U.S. Rep. Martha Roby returned to the Houston County Republican Women yesterday.
- That was the group/venue that saw protests and vitriol in October 2016 in the wake of her reaction to Trump’s “grab em by the …” tape.
- That was a wild day. Trust me, I was there.
- Yesterday was all hunky dory though, according to Jeremy Wise of the Dothan Eagle.
- Talk was not of 2016, but of 2018 and the threat that Democrats may be picking up momentum going into the November elections.
- Linda Overton, who famously got in Roby’s face over Trump, is all behind her now.
“We’ve got to support our candidates, and Martha Roby is our candidate, and we’re behind her all the way,”
- Read the full story HERE.
5. Headlines.
ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – New IRS rule on deductions hits some states hard.
ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Trump escalates feud with Sessions.
ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – AP: National Enquirer had safe with damaging stories.
ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Powell could tackle key issues in high-profile speech Friday.
ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – A president who demands loyalty finds it fleeting in DC.
MONTGOMERY ADVERTISER – 8 years after Deepwater Horizon, beaches look good, but are they really?
DOTHAN EAGLE – U.S. Rep. Martha Roby makes peaceful return to Houston County Republican Women meeting.
DECATUR DAILY – Lawrence sheriff: Jail food issue is election-year posturing.
FLORENCE TIMES DAILY – CBD oil is illegal in Alabama.
GADSDEN TIMES – Democratic candidate Vaughn files suit against Lipscomb, Merrill.
ANNISTON STAR – Alabama trails national average in women who breastfeed, new report shows.
ANNISTON STAR – Report: Newspaper closures increase size, cost of local government.
ANNISTON STAR – Editorial: A Montgomery example about Alabama education.
ANNISTON STAR – Editor Phillip Tutor: Prep football, God and the law.
AL.COM – Columnist Cameron Smith: The Democratic plan to erase Donald Trump by 2020.
AL.COM – Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant reports fire to regulators.
AL.COM – ‘No criminality’ in summer camp melatonin case, rules Baldwin DA.
AL.COM – Macon County expects word on Air Force project within weeks.
AL.COM – In Alabama’s governor’s race, candidates split on Ten Commandment displays.
AL.COM – AG Jeff Sessions responds to Donald Trump’s ‘what kind of man’ criticism.
AL.COM – Build the wall, fight the deep state: Town halls in Trump country.
AL.COM – These 25 Alabama schools have the best teachers.
AL.COM – Why Alabama may be getting a new area code.
AL.COM – Alabama’s rise in murder-suicides blamed on guns, domestic abuse.
AL.COM – Oliver Robinson’s sentencing set for September.
AL.COM – Madison firm gets $9.8 million Air Force contract.
WASHINGTON POST – Critics fear Trump’s attacks are doing lasting damage to the justice system.
WASHINGTON POST – Trump and Sessions feud over the direction of the Justice Department.
WASHINGTON POST – New Treasury proposal would block state Democrats’ attempts to weaken GOP tax law.
WASHINGTON POST – GOP senator: Trump backs tenets of compromise on criminal-justice reform.
NEW YORK TIMES – A President Who Demands Loyalty Finds It Fleeting in DC.
NEW YORK TIMES – E.P.A. Rule Change Could Let Dirtiest Coal Plants Keep Running (and Stay Dirty)