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Daily News Digest – August 21, 2018

Good morning! Here’s your Daily News for Tuesday, August 21, 2018.

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1. Marshall talks immigration, trafficking at White House.

  • Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall spoke at the White House Monday as part of a special panel on immigration policy and enforcement.
  • The event was to honor ICE and CPB agents, who are under increased scrutiny from the left. Some democratic senators/candidates for president seem to be in a race to see who can criticize them more, which President Trump sees as an opportunity for Republicans.
  • Marshall and the other strict immigration panelists praised ICE & CPB and said more must be done to curb illegal immigration.
  • Marshall spoke specifically about how Alabama’s proximity to Atlanta & New Orleans puts us in the “pipeline” for human and drug trafficking that makes us.

“We see marijuana, cocaine, meth, and now illicit fentanyl coming into our state as a result. The drug trade brings dangerous and violent illegal aliens into Alabama.”

  • Read the full story with White House video and pictures from ADN’s Caroline Beck HERE.

2. Gov. Ivey really wants us to nail this census.

  • There’s been plenty of speculation that Alabama could lose a seat in Congress after the 2020 Census.
  • Our state isn’t growing at the same fast rate as states like Florida, Arizona, and Texas, so they could take some of our proportional representation.
  • Some, including AG Marshall and Congressman Mo Brooks, have argued we should make sure other states aren’t padding their numbers by counting illegal immigrants.
  • The courts will figure that out. But we can do our part to make sure all Alabamians are counted, Gov. Kay Ivey says.
  • She has created a special group to ensure all Alabamians participate in the 2020 Census.
  • It’s more than just a seat in Congress that’s on the line. Federal funding for things like public health are also determined by population.
  • Kim Chandler was at the Capitol news conference and her full report, including the latest Census estimates, is HERE.
  • Also read Brian Lyman for the AdvertiserMike Cason for, and Lydia Nusbaum for WSFA.

3. Trump to roll back Obama’s Clean Power Plan. 

  • Later today, the Trump Administration will announce a plan to rollback the “Clean Power Plan,” the Obama-era EPA effort to basically phase out coal-fired power plants.
  • The plan would give states broad authority to determine how to restrict carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. It would also allow states to determine their own rules for power plants that need upgrades.
  • President Trump is expected to promote the new plan at an appearance in West Virginia today. He just tweeted about the WV rally a few minutes ago.
  • Remember: Obama’s Clean Power Plan isn’t currently in effect. The Supreme Court halted it back in 2016 after states challenged the constitutionality of an executive agency implementing such strict rules without Congressional approval.
  • It still accomplished its goal, though. Many energy companies began to shift away from coal in order to get ahead of the new rules.
  • Today, Natural Gas is ascendent as an American source of electricity. And coal is increasingly used for non-energy products like steel, carbon fiber, concrete and chemicals.
  • Remember: one Alabama coal miner understands the coal industry still has a future. He even named his brand new excavator “Trump.”

4. The latest on Kavanaugh. 

  • The confirmation battle for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh continues this week.
  • Swing vote Sen. Susan Collins of Maine meets with him today. So is Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
  • In case you thought opponents were backing down, they are not.
  • The latest attacks on Kavanaugh come from his time with Kenneth Starr’s Independent Counsel investigation of former President Bill Clinton.
  • Some are saying the memo pictured above is evidence of his partisanship and desire to get Clinton on a frivolous case.
  • Hmm. They might want to be careful here.
  • What I read is a reminder of how serious the Clinton case actually was and what I see is a young lawyer, 20 years before the #MeToo movement, understanding the unacceptable nature of a president having a sexual relationship with an intern.
  • By the way, if you really want to get into the details of the Clinton impeachment, I recommend the SLATE Slow Burn podcast series. They also have a series on Nixon and Watergate, which was really good.

5. News briefs. 

Top 25

  • Yes, I know you’ve seen the AP top 25. Bama’s #1. Auburn is 9th.
  • But, there are some pretty interesting notes on the Top 25 from AP College Football Editor Ralph Russo today.
  • If that name sounds familiar he’s a regular on Paul Finebaum. His story HERE.

Russia hacks Republicans

  • The Russians are at it again.
  • This time they are attacking Republican groups and institutions, albeit ones that are more critical of the Kremlin.
  • Still, it shows that Putin doesn’t really favor political candidates or parties so much as he favors Western chaos, fear and loathing.

Oyster beds closed in Mobile Bay

  • Public Health has closed shellfish growing areas in Mobile Bay.
  • The closed waters affect oyster beds located Portersville Bay and Grand Bay.
  •  The excessive rain lately has caused sewage discharge that could potentially affect the harvest areas, but ADPH’s Byron Webb says it should clear up in 21 days.
  • ADN’s Will Whatley has that story.

One fun thing: Carbs

  • Good news! Or terrible news, actually, depending on how disciplined you’ve been.
  • Cutting carbohydrates could also cut your lifespan but as much as four years, according to a new medical study.
  • The study suggests low carb diets could shorten life.
  • Yes! My inability to keep with the low-carb diet has finally paid off and I’m here for another presidential term.
  • But wait. The study also shows that high-carb diets will shorten your life. It’s the consumption of “some carbs” that promotes a healthy lifespan.
  • Whatever, let’s meet at the Olive Garden and get on some breadsticks to celebrate.


ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Ivey creates group to encourage Census participation.

ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Marshall talks immigration, trafficking at White House event.

ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Poll shows support for charter schools, vouchers is growing.

ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Sen. Collins, potential swing vote, to meet with Kavanaugh.

ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Public Health closes oyster bed harvesting areas.

ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Watergate wisdom? Cohen lawyer turns to Nixon turncoat.

ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Trump predicts immigration issue will power GOP in midterms.

ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Trump plan rolls back Obama’s coal emissions standards.

ALABAMA DAILY NEWS – Fire damages magnet high school in Montgomery.

MONTGOMERY ADVERTISER – Art to ashes: BTW students come together after fire claims school.

MONTGOMERY ADVERTISER – Ivey establishes Census committee; federal funds, congressional seats on the line.

DOTHAN EAGLE – The widening of sections of Ross Clark Circle to six lanes could begin in early 2019.

DOTHAN EAGLE – Emotions stirred by DCS restructuring plans. 

YELLOWHAMMER NEWS – Pro-life advocates urge Doug Jones to buck ‘radical abortion lobby,’ confirm Trump SCOTUS nominee

YELLOWHAMMER NEWS – Steve Bannon is right, Trump’s hardcore loyal base is wrong — You need ‘the establishment’ to protect the House and the president.

FLORENCE TIMES DAILY – Panel: Desire for education motivated Elliott.

GADSDEN TIMES – Ethics requirement has become political issue.

AL.COM – Alabama AG mentions case of beheaded girl during White House immigration event.

AL.COM – Gov. Kay Ivey calls for ‘maximum participation’ in 2020 Census.

AL.COM – Alabama Republicans will win easily, Democrats will take back Congress, predictions show.

AL.COM – Sen. Del Marsh’s chief of staff leaving for private sector.

AL.COM – Looks like a Republican lawmaker has had enough of ex-Gov. Robert Bentley.

AL.COM – Columnist Kyle Whitmire:  How Robert Bentley turned Alabama’s top cop into a puppet.

AL.COM – Contributor U. S. Sen. Doug Jones:  Pre-existing conditions are under attack – and Alabama stands to lose most.

AL.COM – How US tariffs on Turkey could hurt Alabama’s economy.

AL.COM – Concerns remain over Mobile channel enlargement as Corps nears final plan.

WASHINGTON POST – Microsoft says it has found a Russian operation targeting U.S. political institutions.

WASHINGTON POST – Businesses beg for tariff relief as trade war with China rolls on.

NEW YORK TIMES – New Russian Hacking Targeted Republican Groups, Microsoft Says

NEW YORK TIMES – Kavanaugh Urged Graphic Questions in Clinton Inquiry

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