Confirmed COVID-19 cases since March were at 43,450 Sunday, according to the Alabama Department of Public Health, with about 30% of those cases occurring in the last two weeks.
On Sunday, a new high of 919 people were reported hospitalized statewide. The state has seen a recent trend of about 1,000 new cases reported each day.
Presumed recoveries are more than 22,000, according to ADPH and just under 450,000 people have been tested for the virus. The percentage of tests coming back positive has also increased in recent weeks to 11.9% last week.
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The ADPH updates its information at 10 a.m. each day. Since the health emergency began, 984 people in Alabama have died. COVID-19 is most dangerous for people with pre-existing health issues. As of Thursday, just 43 deaths had been in people with no underlying medical conditions.
Cases have increased significantly in the past two weeks, up from 30,670 confirmed cases and 854 deaths reported as of June 23. The website BamaTracker reports the seven-day case average is now 966 new cases per day.
The increases come as state officials plead with Alabamians to wear masks and practice social distancing. Some municipalities have passed local ordinances requiring masks.