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Coronavirus update: Alabama total cases near 100,000

Alabama will today likely reach 100,000 total confirmed COVID-19 cases since the virus hit the state earlier this year.

On Monday, 1,655 new confirmed cases were reported, bringing the total since March to 99,390, according to the Alabama Department of Public Health. In all, 1,733 deaths have been reported.

Of the total cases, 37,923 are presumed recovered, ADPH says.

Bama Tracker Cumulative COVID-19 Cases & Active Cases

Source: Alabama Department of Public Health


Bama Tracker New COVID-19 Cases & 7-Day Average

Source: Alabama Department of Public Health


The ADPH reported some technical issues with its data dashboard on Monday, blaming the problems on a software vendor issue that has been resolved.

“ADPH is working on these concerns and any additional testing numbers will be updated,” the department said on Twitter Monday. “Over the weekend, some case numbers from older cases was updated which contributed to an increase in COVID-19 in Montgomery and Mobile.”

The seven-day average for new cases is 1,351, according to the independent website BamaTracker. The seven-day average for deaths per day is now almost 22, per BamaTracker.

1,528 Alabamians were hospitalized with COVID-19-related illnesses Monday, according to ADPH. 


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