Alabama Republicans were quick Tuesday night to criticize President Joe Biden’s speech.
Newly elected U.S. Sen. Katie Britt called it “disappointing” because it lacked the perspective she said she hears from Alabama families.
“The reality of what moms and dads across our state and nation are facing is a stark difference from what we heard tonight from the President,” Britt said in a recorded statement. “Parents and families are sitting around the kitchen table, worrying about how they’re going to make ends meet in the face of crushing inflation. They’re worried about the price of groceries, from eggs and milk to flour and chicken. They’re worried about the wave of supply chain shortages that have affected their children recently, that’s everything from baby formula to children’s Tylenol.”
U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville said the divide between the president’s and conservatives’ view on the country has never been wider.
“Republicans believe in a union that protects liberty, creates opportunity and gets people back on their feet,” Tuberville said. “We have a vision to make our country more free, more secure, and more affordable. As we saw tonight, President Biden doesn’t share that vision. However, because I speak with hardworking people every day who want to help turn our country around, I still believe America’s best days lie ahead of her. Those days will come when we elect a president who actually believes in American greatness and is capable of delivering results.”
U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt said American people don’t believe Biden’s claims that the state of the union is strong.
“They don’t believe him when they are paying record prices at the grocery store and at the gas pump,” Aderholt, R-Haleyville, said. “They don’t believe him when the crisis at our southern border continues to escalate, with 4.5 million illegal crossings since he took office. They don’t believe him when their children continue to overdose on fentanyl that’s been trafficked across the border. And they don’t believe him when the Chinese Communist Party goes unchecked and their spy balloons are not shot down before they traverse our entire country.”
U.S. Rep Gary Palmer, serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee, specifically criticized Biden’s energy plans.
“The reality is Biden’s energy policies are crushing American households,” Palmer said in a statement. “There are now over 20 million households behind on their utility bills. Their families, including senior citizens on fixed incomes in some parts of the country who are literally compromising their health and their children’s health because they can’t afford to adequately heat their homes. Despite millions of job openings, President Biden is spending billions of borrowed dollars on welfare programs that allow able bodied adults to choose not to work.”
John Wahl, chair of the ALGOP, criticized Biden on national security issues.
“…On the world stage, our adversaries are emboldened, as demonstrated by last week’s Chinese spy balloon incident, which was a clear violation of our sovereignty,” Wahl said in a written statement. “President Biden seems more concerned about Ukraine’s border than our own border. Yet all he can do is push for the same failed socialist policies that have gotten our country into these disastrous situations. America needs real solutions, not a re-election campaign stump speech trying to convince us that his policies are actually working.”