Alabama reported 2,164 new COVID-19 cases Thursday, marking the highest daily increase of confirmed cases since the outbreak began.
Since March, 48,588 cases have been reported, according to the Alabama Department of Public Health.
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Ten new deaths were reported Thursday, bringing that state total to 1,042.
The number of Alabamians hospitalized also ticked up Thursday to 1,125.
While 78% of the deaths have been Alabamians age 65 or older, 41% of reported cases are in people age 25 to 49 followed by the 50 to 64 age group at 20%.
About 25,783 people are presumed recovered from the virus.
The increases are prompting more cities across the state is issue mask requirements.
About one third of the state’s cases have been reported in the last 14 days. State officials have continued to advocate personal responsibility and precautionary measures.