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State reports 696 new coronavirus cases Monday; college-aged share increases

By MARY SELL, Alabama Daily News

The Alabama Department of Public Health reported 696 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 127 probable cases on Monday. Sixteen new deaths were reported, bringing that total to 2,083 since the pandemic began.

Since March, 117,152 confirmed cases and 8,906 probable cases have been reported.


Statewide, 106 hospitals reported a total of 1,004 hospitalizations on Monday. That’s down about 600 patients from about a month ago. Since March, 14,538 people have been hospitalized.

Last month, when college students returned to campuses, ADPH put people age 18 to 24 into a separate category for case demographics. On Monday, that group accounted for 14.5% of all cases, up from 13.9% Aug. 24.

The University of Alabama system has reported 1,063 COVID-19 cases among students since classes resumed. In its latest reported data, Auburn University had 202 students on its main campus had COVID-19 the week of Aug. 15 – Aug. 21. Auburn has not yet updated its campus-wide data, but head football coach Gus Malzahn on Sunday said 16 players were being held out of practice after several positive tests among the team.

Statewide, the age group with the largest percentage of cases continues to be 25-49 year olds with about 39%, according to ADPH.

Older people are the vast majority of deaths. About 77% of deaths have been in people 65 and old. About 18% have in people age 50 to 64.

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