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New cases, hospitalizations down in Alabama for the the first time in a week

By TODD STACY, Alabama Daily News

The Alabama Department of Public Health reported 1,364 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, the lowest total number of new cases reported in more than 10 days.

A total of 170 new hospitalizations were reported Tuesday, but the confirmed number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients dropped to 1,547 from 1,571, the first decrease in total confirmed hospitalizations in a week.

A caveat to the good news, at least on new cases, could be the total number of tests reported, which was 6,490 on Tuesday, well below the 10-day average of 10,117 tests per day, according to Bama Tracker, an independent website that compounds data from ADPH.  Sometimes data from ADPH lags after a weekend, but it is unclear whether that played a role in fewer than average tests being reported.

A total of 11 COVID-19-related deaths were reported across the state Tuesday, bringing the overall death toll to 1,268.

Bama Tracker New Cases & 7-day Average

Source: Alabama Department of Public Health via Bama Tracker. Bama Tracker tracks the change in the cumulative case amount reported by ADPH from midnight to 11:59pm each day


Bama Tracker New Tests & 7-day Average

Source: Alabama Department of Public Health via Bama Tracker.

A total of 599,098 people have been tested since March, according to ADPH, and 69,075 have now tested positive. Of those who tested positive, at least 29,736 are presumed recovered.

The ADPH updates its data at 10 a.m. daily.

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