U.S. Rep. Robert Aderholt is backing a new bill giving expansive authority to the president to raise tariffs on imports in response to similar actions taken by other countries.
Adherholt met with President Donald Trump in the White House Thursday to discuss the legislation.
“For far too long, foreign countries have levied significantly higher tariffs on the United States. President Trump understands these types of acts are unjust. The U.S. Reciprocal Trade Act would provide the President leverage to lower their unfair tariffs,” Aderholt said.
The bill, introduced by U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy on Thursday, allows the president to impose duties on imports of goods that are equal to duties imposed by other countries or equal to the “effective rate of the non-tariff barriers applied by the foreign country.”
Politico reports that the White House has been involved in building support for the bill from Congress.
While the 18 cosponors are all currently Republicans, trade issues of this type have historically garnered support from Rust Belt Democrats.
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